@althea • ON-LINE now

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" high five? "

althea / xanthe / fran | BPD + ADHD 13-15 arab they vamp hir bat clue punk + more in pronouny

aroace agender polyam lesbian
mark heathcliff fictionkin

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@althea • 4;35 am, june 20

@althea • 4;40 am, june 20




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byf not spoiler free, heavy rt, im not in any subtwt, i talk alot about my hyperfixations
Dni fit basic dni criteria, proshipper, super straight, support mspec lesbians / gays , ur against neoprns / xenogenders , doxx ppl for hating a character, support @spicytacosky, genshin fans ( mutuals ok! )
WHY AM I BLOCKED? youre probably a weirdo, or ur just in my dni !
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person #1 ! interests ?

stardew valley, american mcgee's alice, resident evil, carmilla, scream, tgcf, deftones, clue(do), dog man, laurenzside, krew n more

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person 2 ! trigger warnings ?

realistic gore, loud noises/yelling, jumpscares, midsommar